Join Steam and discover thousands of games to play It's free and easy to use Hello!I like to play Shogi and Chess It is very interesting to create a variant of those I am creating the game file for ZoG And I have produced some introduction video of the game of Steam 私は将棋やチェスが好きで、変則将棋や変則チェスの作成もしています。 主に、ZoGのZRF制作を手がけています。 いくつかのSteam作品の紹介動画も公開してFree to Play Demos Early Access Controller Friendly Remote Play Software Soundtracks Virtual Reality VR Hardware Mac OS X SteamOS Linux For PC Cafés Genres Action Action Action RogueLike Arcade & Rhythm Beat 'Em Up Fighting & Martial Arts FirstPerson Shooter Platformer & Runner ThirdPerson Shooter Adventure & Casual

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