Gta5 Epsilon Tracts Area Gta
GTA5 プレイ日記(33):真実の辛抱 / 真実の押売 / 真実の巡礼 / 真実からの解放 皆さんこんばんは^^ 前回に引き続きマイケルのイプシロン関連ミッションについて書きます。 毎回ミッションを始める前に多額のお金が必要になるのでウンザリしてくると gta5ではトレバーが口The Epsilon Program is a religious cult led by Cris Formage and his several cohorts in and out of the current paradigm Its adherents are known as Epsilonists They believe that there are several paradigms, although only the 4th, 9th, and 10th are mentioned Several references to Epsilon Program, both direct and indirect, exist in Grand Theft Auto IV There are hobos who believe